
Happy Ada Lovelace Day

Ada Lovelace Day aims to raise the profile of women in science, technology, engineering and maths by encouraging people around the world to talk about the women whose work they admire. This international day of celebration helps people learn about the achievements of women in STEM, inspiring others and creating new role models for young …


Well, I just spent the last two hours reposting old posts that were lost. About a month after my “Hacked” post my whole site was shut down. Some injection attack. I didn’t have a back-up and I KNOW that that’s one of the worst mistakes. Luckily Google had my blog posts cached. *sigh* Don’t want …

Expanding the house

I forgot to mention that starting yesterday my site will encompass more than just web and graphic design. I’m adding photography, artwork, and any other creative interest that I have. I want this site to reflect more of me and eventually I’ll be going away from the current domain name and only using Stay …


Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about going to a design conference. I feel that I could benefit from meeting designers outside of my local area. Sadly, due to finances I haven’t been able to go before now. I AM making a point to rectify this in 2009. Some early possibilities on my list are …